Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Quality Feedback

The Assignment:
In your blog, provide a student work sample and accompanying feedback that showcases some of the expectations listed above and offers a sound example of quality, authentic feedback. Discuss aspects of the sample that align with the best practices discussed in this quest.

The Assignment for AP Language
(The Directions)
Benjamin Banneker, the son of former slave, was a farmer, astronomer, mathematician, surveyor, and author.  In 1791 he wrote to Thomas Jefferson, framer of the Declaration of Independence and secretary of state to President George Washington.  Read the following excerpt from the letter, an analyze ONE RHETORICAL STRATEGY used to argue against slavery.

Please respond to one other student in the course.  Provide them with commentary for their post!  Simply saying, "Good Job," is empty and means very little to a writer.  Give them ideas and food that resonate with them so they can improve as a reader and writer.  Thank you.

Due Date:  Sunday, August 31, 2014 by midnight!
I will lock the assignment after this date.

Student Responses (2)
Sample 1

Sample 2

My feedback is customized for each student's writing.   This feedback references strengths and weaknesses in the writings, and it also gives incite to other resources to help them improve.  

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