Saturday, January 3, 2015

Lecture Capture Quest (Reflections)

I have used Lecture Capture resources (i.e., Explain Everything, Google Hangouts, Livescribe, Educreations) as a way to offer additional instructional tools for students when I am not present.  Students need to hear information or see the instructional framework multiple times, but class is only available for 90 minutes.  These free resources allow me to practice synchronous and asynchronous teaching strategies while enhancing students' learning.

In an online platform, these lecture caption resources can enhance the material and personalize the course for students.  The idea that students are interacting with the teacher virtually makes the classroom feel isolated and cold.  Lecture Caption resources provide a voice behind the computer screen.  And, if gives students to experience the personality of the teacher.  This can warm the classroom milieu quite a bit.  And, it can personalize instruction for students.

When completing a Lecture Caption resource, it requires teachers to plan out their lesson in much more details than the face-to-face setting.  When I recorded one, I had to re-record almost 6 or 7 times because I made mistakes (i.e., I may have said "um," or I didn't think fast enough, or I left out information).  When I do recordings now, I outline all the details or key ideas that I know I want to share.  I also do not make very long videos.  I break the content and information into 2-4 mins. sessions because students lose interest.  I do not try to do every concept in one video.

Here is a video I made using Google Hangout:

Here is a Screencast me doing a 2 paragraph Rhetorical Analysis:

Here is a recent video where I give oral commentary to students via my YouTube Channel:

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