Sunday, January 4, 2015

LMS Tools Competency

In my experience in taking online courses and offering blended learning to my traditional students, a teacher must map out several tools and have them readily available to make teaching and learning seamless.  Some tools are without question:  syllabus, calendar, grading scale, contact information.  But, other tools may be required at a later date.

For teaching, since this is the job I am applying for, I hope that the LMS platform is in a lot of ways already planned prior to my students enrolling.  I expect that any organization will have already planned the basics in their expectations:  School information should be readily accessible, how the school/organization wants my platform to look like, grading weights, email, and just key components they want me to use.  The only thing I want to do is navigate and drop my important information for my course on the platform.  For instance, if Ga Virtual wants me to use blogs, then simply tell me, and I can place the widget and the resource there.  I can also place the rubric and plan my discussions.  What I don't want is to have to use an open source to create blogs when the platform should have these resources/tools built inside the program.

The syllabus and course content are the two most important things that I value.  The syllabus outlines the course expectations, and the course content is the exercises and information students must use to demonstrate their mastery of material/standards.  The course content should also be flexible enough where I can add support materials to enhance the instructional piece.  Course Assessments allow students to show their mastery of materials with tests or projects.  The ePortfolio component allows more differentiated tasks where students can select specific projects and items to represent a holistic view of their mastery.  I love the ePortfolio because it is electronic, and it can be used for a number of other opportunities.

I hope that the Grade book is automatically linked to the grades.  This means that when I punch in a grade, it automatically transfers to the grade book.  This eliminates "extra" steps that I traditionally have to take in the face-to-face setting.  I also hope that the computer can grade quizzes and tests automatically and transfer those grades to the online Grade book.  This would help students keep up with their progress, and it would lessen the number of students asking me, "What is my grade?"

Finally, I hope any organization's LMS is easy to navigate and pleasant to the eye.  And, I also hope there are lots of YouTube tutorial videos or Handouts helping students and teachers how to navigate specific tools, especially when both are attempting to do something "new."

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