Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Identify Stakeholders

In the virtual classroom, instructors must offer continuous updates to all stakeholders, such as parents, students, and school facilitators. Think about each of these stakeholder descriptions and discuss.
  • Do the descriptions correlate to your perception?
  • How can they be expanded upon or described further?
  • Are there other stakeholders within an online environment not considered above?

The current descriptions of all stakeholders meets my expectations and perceptions.  I think there should also be some type of technology coach there to aid the teachers and students.  Many times, teachers have ideas they want to implement in the classroom, but they may not know the best technique or resource to implement resources.  There was no description of such a person. This person would act more like a coach than an administrator or another teacher.  It is an extra layer of support to help with the integration of technology.  Likewise, I did not see a media specialist for this program.  A librarian is trained on resources for the classroom as well as technology.  These two positions should be considered if a program wants to be thorough in the eLearning platform.

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