Thursday, January 1, 2015

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Compose a blog post that addresses each of the points above. After completing a blog post that meets the requirements of this quest, submit the link to your post in the Submission Form at the bottom of this page.
Action Plan

Fulton County Schools already provides an Acceptable Use Policy that students and parents must sign acknowledging that they will respect the rules and regulations of Network and Internet Access.

1.  Disseminate Fulton County School's Network and Internet Access.

2.  Students are to return this form and teachers must keep it on file!  Teachers are encouraged to give some kind of extra points or extra credit options to promote returning of the form.  Another precaution is to make the form accessible online so parents and students can electronically sign the form.

3.  All classrooms should have CommonSenseMedia's Poster on the walls!

4.  Have students watch a video lesson in Copyright (see below)
5.  Allow students to take a quiz on what they learned.  File the answers for future reference if necessary.

6.  Have students read and annotate Congress Keeps Mickey Mouse out of Public Domain for 15 Years.

7.  Allow an open discussion of the article.

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