The Assignment:
Review the artifacts above on student enrollments and student progress in the course. Then, provide a detailed description of all that this information tells you about the hypothetical course. Include how the teacher might adjust the course in the future based on the previous activity of these students. Document in a reflection on your blog.
The sample website and coursework show all the factors that contribute to data analysis. It looks as if the LMS keeps track of students' attendance. This teacher also provides multiple opportunities for students to re-take quizzes. The LMS also provides how many students are enrolled in specific courses, and it provides information concerning if the student has to pay or not. I'm not quite sure why a teacher would need to know if students are required to pay. The parent contact log seems to be very informative; it also allows teachers to type individualized comments. Based on some of the comments, it looks like teachers can use some type of calling post to complete contact logs. This teacher used it as a Welcome call! This teacher created a generic email and personalized emails for his/her students. There is a very colorful chart, but it doesn't offer any identifying information, so I cannot access what it should mean to the teacher. Finally, the LMS allows students to provide peer-to-peer evaluation or self-evaluation, something that is particularly important to gifted students.
What does the teacher need to change? Nothing from what I can tell. She/he seems pretty thorough.
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